
Home Watch Services

Full-Service Home Watch by HomeAway

We know that your home is your private retreat from the outside world, and we appreciate that you’ve chosen us to care for it while you’re away. You can rest assured that we’ll be respectful and conscientious while we’re in your home, while also thoroughly checking to ensure that all is as it should be. When we perform a home check, we specifically address each of the following items to ensure that they’re functional and safe. If we find any issues, we'll inform you immediately with a detailed report including photos of the issue. While we’re at your home, we’ll check: 

  • Your home's exterior, including the general appearance, security, pool, lawn, dock and/ or seawall, boat, lanai, and any other features of importance.
  • Your home's interior, including the air conditioning, general health, circuit breakers, doors, windows, and any other features of importance.
  • Your kitchen, including the functionality of your refrigerator, sink, faucets, garbage disposal, oven, dishwasher, and any other features of importance.
  • Your bathrooms, including the functionality of your faucets, sinks, showers, tubs, toilets, and any other features of importance.
  • Other potential safety issues that may exist around your home's exterior, including screen doors, grilling propane tanks, and screening, especially located around swimming pools and water features.

Our Home Watch Offers

We offer the following options for home watch services in the Marco Island and Naples area:

  • Weekly visits (4 per month) at the rate of $125/ month. We strongly recommend weekly visits, especially for extended absences, to allow us to quickly address any issues that may develop. These visits will include a full report on all parts of your home mentioned above.
  • Biweekly visits (2 per month) at the rate of $75/ month. These visits will include a full report on all parts of your home mentioned above.
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